Interior Trailer Crossroads Mural

Last Fall, I did a trade with my friend Harold who leads a traveling nomad lifestyle, moving around the west in a 28" converted utility trailer that he calls home. He's a master builder and helped me with a construction project. In exchange he wanted a mural size painting of a crossroads painted on the interior backend of his trailer. I removed the wall panels from back of his trailer and brought them to my place and created this custom piece (it is 8 ft X 6 ft), then brought it back to him and we re-installed the painted panels. I tried to design the image so that the road picks up where the floor ends, to create an illusion of continuing space, the road stretching out. For better or worse, I knew there would be outlets cut into it and a TV mounted kinda centrally in the image, so I also tried to keep the crossroads and crossroads sign below the TV to always be seeable. The result turned out pretty cool. I like the idea that this "road piece" is often out on the road itself, even stopping sometimes at crossroads...a well known place.

One funny aside. We did not completely agree on the best signage to indicate a crossroads. Harold preferred a standard squarish cross that looks like a big basic plus symbol. I liked the a more curving horn-like symbol tipped with articulated arrows to indicate the junction. In the end he happily let me use my preferred crossroad sign - a "signature" touch, he said - and we both liked the way it turned out (there is a detail of it in these pictures).


Make Me a Landscape, Do Not Include Any Sky